Hi, we’re Axial3D

Our mission is simple — to make patient-specific care routine.

Surgeons, radiologists, and engineers globally trust Axial3D to deliver patient-specific 3D solutions with our innovative platform and expert services.

Making patient-specific care routine

Axial3D is a leader in providing scalable, automated solutions that transform DICOM images into actionable 3D data. Leveraging a robust portfolio of patented technologies powered by advanced machine learning algorithms and AI-assisted automation, Axial3D’s cloud-based platform, underpinned by fundamental market patents, serves as the catalyst for transitioning from one-off devices to patient-specific care. Our mission is to make patient-specific care routine, enabling medical device companies and hospitals to deliver personalized surgical solutions at scale. By integrating our 3D and AI capabilities with cutting-edge surgical and interventional solutions, Axial3D unlocks new possibilities in surgical excellence and the delivery of personalized care, accelerating the delivery of devices and improving patient outcomes.


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At Axial3D we are on course to transform the quality of care hospitals can provide globally, by enhancing existing practices, giving their clinicians easy access to patient-specific 3D models and images for surgical planning, deriving data and analysis to accelerate and allow for more accurate diagnoses and enabling the use of patient-specific guides and implants for their patients’ treatment.

All offerings we provide are designed to help make real a personalized treatment path for each individual patient, improving their care while subsequently reducing resource burden on the hospital, the care team, the payer and most importantly the patient and their family.
Daniel Crawford Founder
Axial3D team

Contact us

Book a call with our experts to learn more and discuss how our patient-specific 3D solutions can help you.

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